Letter Tattoos

Sunday, April 14, 2013

In today's world, there are many people who have tattoos. Some are beautiful; some go all around the body. They tell complete stories. Now, what is becoming quite popular is an emphasis on lettering. Tattoos that have one or two letters or numbers are popular. This seems to make them more personal and different.

Simple lettering can be great for people that really can't make up their minds as to what they want. Tattoos like this are short and sweet.

A lot of people lean towards a favorite Bible verse. One that has a significant meaning to them. Or they might take a quote out of a favorite book. Be careful with the quotes though. They can be lengthy and not read well on the skin. Other people might just want letters that symbolize their feelings or emotions.











Once you decide to get letters tattooed on yourself, the next step is to choose the font. Yes, fonts, like the ones that you find on your computer or typewriter. It shows the style of print you want. There is an array of them to choose from. Some like the old world kind of fonts, others like script, or calligraphy. A few favorites are Gothic, Medieval and Old English. There are also fonts available in different languages, German, Korean, Arabic, etc. Whatever you choose has to fit what you want.

After you decide on the style and colors that you prefer, all that is left is for you to make a final decision about what initials or phrase you actually want on your body. Keep it short; tattoo lettering normally only consists of a few letters, not a whole story. Go for only two lines. It will read better on your arm, or wherever you have it done. As you age, your ideals and views will change. You must be sure that whatever you get will reflect who you are twenty years from now. You do not want to be embarrassed along the way by something that sounded cutesy at the time.

Whatever you do, if you have the faintest idea of going ahead and getting something done with your loved one's initials, maybe you better think again. Once that tattoo is on there, it is on there. You might not be together in six months. Relationships end, even marriages. Do you really want your ex's name on you forever? Although a laser can take it off, it's just not a good idea. Not only for your own well-being, but your new squeeze will be reminded every time they look at you. It is something to think about.

One form of lettering tattoos that has become popular and is a way better idea is the symmetrical ambigram tattoo. They say the same thing right side up and upside down. Or maybe the asymmetrical ambigram, they say something different read upside down. They can be mysterious to the reader. Whether you use one of the trendy designs or come up with something on your own, just let it reflect who you are, and be careful of what it says. As long as you do both, you'll be fine.


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