Chest Tattoo 52

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Superman Tattoo Pics - 5 Professional Design Tips

Ask anyone who has had a tattoo why they did it and they will tell you two things. One, they were making a very personal statement, usually spiritually oriented, and two, after their first tattoo they were hooked.

Tattoo is not just a method of body art; it is a very spiritual custom that dates back hundreds to thousands of years in many cultures. While there are many beautiful and breathtaking designs, most people use these tattoos as a basis or template for their own personal expression.

The majority of the time, if a client does not come in with their own personal design, they will show the artist a particular design and follow up with, "but I want to make a few changes." So, when you are designing your own tattoo, such as with a Superman tattoo pic, there are a few tips to consider. Location, Location, Location!

Think about where you want to put the tattoo. For instance, you wouldn't want to put a large, flying Superman tattoo pic on your ankle. That type of tattoo is too detailed and would be rather large so it would not be appropriate for that area.

A Superman tattoo pic like that would likely be better suited on the upper arm, hip, back or even forearm. When you think about your tattoo and what type of tattoo you want(such as a Superman tattoo pic), consider where you want it to be placed.

Size Matters

Yes, when you are looking to get a tattoo, size does matter. You really can not just choose a random design or a Superman tattoo pic with no forethought because you do need to consider the size of the tatt as well as the location. Sometimes the location will even dictate the size.

A Superman tattoo pic that is, perhaps, the big S symbol that is always shown on the front of his uniform, then you can usually size that up or down according to the location.

What are Your Colors?

Choose colors that are appropriate for the tatt, but also appropriate for you. This is generally a permanent venture, so you want something that you like and will enjoy seeing on your body for the rest of your life. A Superman tattoo pic would be blue, red and yellow.

What colors are your spirit? If you are commemorating an event, what are its colors? If you are honoring someone, what colors do you associate with them? Let your color scheme work with YOU. Or choose a standard tattoo like a Superman tattoo pic and go with it.

Choose a Design that Fits Your Spirit

Choose a design or template that fits your personal spirit. The design should speak to you. If you want a Superman tattoo pic, go for it. You may wish to combine several designs to create your own. Add elements, or if you are an artist, draw your own design.

You can find many different designs and select one that suits you. You may want to bring a friend along for input, but don't allow them to influence you too much. After all, you will be the one walking around with the tattoo, or the Superman tattoo pic, not them.

Think Twice about Adding a Name

You may have heard this many times, but it always stands to be said again. When designing your own tattoo, you may want to think twice about putting someone's name on it. There are a few celebrities that we can look to who can attest to this. Many people put people's names on their tatts and wind up covering the name later.

If you want to honor the love of your life by putting their name under your Superman tattoo pic, do yourself a favor and do it some other way. A tattoo is forever unless you get it covered or lasered. Save yourself the trouble.

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