Tattoo Artist

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Smart tattoo designs can create a brilliant impression on your skin and provide a unique sense of visual aestheticism. However, you would fail to hit the jackpot invariably if you do not undertake the services of a qualified and renowned tattoo artist. After all, tattooing requires in-depth understanding of the medium and at the same time a thorough knowledge of hundreds of designs. On top of that, it is important to work in a refined studio climate with the very best of tools made by technology. Keep reading to learn about what you need to look for in a tattoo artist.

Choosing a tattoo artist is not as simple as walking into the local tattoo shop and taking the first available chair. Your tattoo is permanent; forever, lifelong. Sure you can have it removed but that is painful and far more costly than the tattoo will be. So be sure. Be really sure. Do not make the decision on a design and artist based on price or timeliness. Anything this important is worth the wait.

First of all, choosing a tattoo artist is closely linked to your choice of design. Your design is very personal, an expression of you, even a statement. Since you will carry this piece of art around with you for the rest of your life, you need to be especially sure that you will always like it. If you are the kind of person who likes to be trendy, consider your choice of design extremely carefully. Stay away from designs based on current fashion. It is likely you will begin to dislike it within a year or so. A good rule of thumb for choosing a tattoo design is to wait a year, then if you still like it, go for it. Plus, the year of waiting is a good time for searching out an artist.

Tattoo artist specialty is an essential factor in your choice. Consider a scenario where an artist specializes in tribal and Celtic designs, but you persuade them to do your cherry blossom tree. It requires a different technique to do something as delicate as a cherry blossom, and an artist who normally does geometric shapes and lines may not be suitable. Portrait tattoos are highly specialized. It's very easy for a portrait to come out all wrong, and there is no means for erasing it. Be cautious when pursuing a portrait tattoo artist, there are only a few in the world who are truly gifted at this kind of tattoo. 


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